Teaching Highlights
An online grammar check can come in handy for anyone who wants to write proper English. Like many, you probably learned many of the grammar rules all throughout your school years.
Also, like many, you've likely forgotten much of what you learned. Where does the comma go, for instance? Is ending your sentences with a proposition really that bad a practice? Are there hard and fast rules for when to use who, that or which? All of these questions, as well as many more, can plague both amateur and professional writers. Doing a grammar and spell check helps to settle these questions and give you more confidence in your writing.
Check out http://www.grammarcheck.net/. It's…
When asked about the impact of lecture capture technology on teaching and learning, James Craig, professor in the Department of Health Promotion and Policy at the University of Maryland Dental School in Baltimore, doesn't mince words. "With lecture capture," claimed Craig, "students have more opportunity to learn and a greater level of performance because of it."
Making Lecture Capture Work: Lessons from the Pros (http://campustechnology.com/articles/2012/05/08/making-lecture-capture-work-lessons-from-the-pros.aspx)
Here are some tips on using lecture capture effectively to enhance teaching and learning, as well as some arguments for using it in the first place.
Doing Lecture Capture Right (http://campustechnology.com/articles/2012/05/08/making-lecture-capture-work-lessons-from-the-pros.aspx)
This archived Academic Impressions article offers tips on…
Effective faculty are key to student success and to the success of online programs, according to a new special issue of the Sloan Consortium’s Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks (Volume 16.2). The issue features insights about professional development for faculty and guidelines from successful programs.
Edited by Stephanie J. Jones of Texas Tech University and Katrina A. Meyer of the University of Memphis, the issue features faculty development research from Alta Solutions Group, Bay Path College, Capella University, Carroll University, Florida Atlantic University, Penn State World Campus, Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg, PBS Teacherline, University of Central Florida, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, and Southwest Minnesota State University.
Controversy surrounding class size is not new to higher education... while budgets push for increasing class size, educators cite the educational value of smaller classes. But, one professor is challenging the notion that size really matters...
"Conventional wisdom deems smaller classes superior. Mr. Boyer, a self-described 'Podunk instructor,' calls that 'poppycock.' He's exploring how technology can help engage students in face-to-face courses that enroll from 600 to nearly 3,000 students."
To read more about how Mr. Boyer engages his class of 2,760 students, see the recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education at: http://chronicle.com/article/How-One-Instructor-Teaches/131656/
Looking for a free, easy-to-use solution to group audio conference with your students? Check out freeconferencecall.com.
A 96 caller reservationless conference call account with free recording has been activated for you at FreeConferenceCall.com. You can now conduct telephone conference calls anytime without a reservation, plus you have the added benefit of recording your conference calls for free! Click here <https://www.freeconferencecall.com/loginaccount.asp> to access your account online; have your dial in number, access code and subscriber pin ready found under Account Information below. If you have…
The nonprofit group called TED, known for streaming 18-minute video lectures about big ideas, today opened a new YouTube channel designed for teachers and professors, with videos that are even shorter.
As discussed in a recent article in The Chronicle of Higher Education:
The new channel, called TED-Ed, was announced a year ago, but its leaders are only now unveiling the project's first videos. There are only 11 as of today, but the goal is to add new ones regularly. Within three months from now, a new video could appear each day, said Chris Anderson, TED's curator, in a conference call with reporters late last week.
To produce the new videos, the group is connecting content experts…
Interactive review games provide an opportunity for students to test their knowledge in a fun, hands-on environment. View the following video for an overview of a review game for use in the face-to-face classroom.
Overcoming physcial separation in the online classroom
"One of the challenges of teaching in the online environment is the physical separation of the instructor and learner. Faculty teaching face-to-face depend on the opportunity to look at a learner’s expression to see whether he or she understands course materials. The lack of visual contact in the online environment becomes a barrier for teaching." (Stavredes, 2011, pg. 10)
In the article, "Overcoming Physical Separation in the Online Environment to Help Learners Persist", Stavredes (2011, pg. 10) states:
In the online environment, where there is no face-to-face interaction, much effort is required to develop presence between learners and with the instructor. For learners moving from the face-to-face to online environment, the void due to the lack of physical presence can lead to feelings of isolation, which can have a negative impact on motivation and…
For all the latest happenings in online education, check out the Sloan-C YouTube channel.
Sloan-C has its own YouTube channel featuring videos on conferences, workshops, webinars and playlists of member contributions!
Does technology enhance educational experiences? YES!
An article recently published in the "Review of Educational Research," finds a significant positive effect from the utilization of technology in the classroom over more traditional instruction, and that computer technology that supports instruction has a greater effect compared with technology applications that provide direct instruction.
The role and impact of technology in the classroom has long been debated. A recent meta-analysis on the topic finds considerable support for the value of computer-assisted instruction in post-secondary education; see the full article at: Review of Educational Research.
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