SoTL Conferences

Archives for February 2012 « Recent Articles


2012 Curriculum Studies Summer Collaborative

By Jean Mandernach

The Planning Council of the Curriculum Studies Summer Collaborative (CSSC) invites your submissions for the second annual meeting in the heart of historic Savannah, Georgia. The CSSC will bring together diverse individuals within and beyond the field of Curriculum Studies. The Collaborative was developed to promote dialogue and cooperative action among established and emerging curriculum scholars. It is a process-oriented, generative space intended to support the work of the field.


WCET Conference

By Jean Mandernach

WCET invites you to share some of the innovative concepts, good practices, new research findings that are making a difference in how technology advances higher education. Submit a conference presentation proposal and plan to join higher education practitioners and leaders for WCET’s 24th Annual Conference in San Antonio, TX, October 31-November 3, 2012.

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