Research Tips
All research institutions have an institutional review board (IRB) that is established with a primary goal of protecting the rights and well-being of human subjects involved in research. The requirements for IRB review extend to all research involving human subjects including medical and behavioral studies, clinical or biomedical studies, and survey-based research.
All research institutions have an institutional review board (IRB) that is established with a primary goal of protecting the rights and well-being of human subjects involved in research. The requirements for IRB review extend to all research involving human subjects including medical and behavioral studies, clinical or biomedical studies, and survey-based research.
The IRB typically recognizes three types of reviews: exempt, expedited, and full review. To potentially be considered exempt, a…
Components of a Research Study: Conclusion and References
When preparing a research study for publication, there are several standard sections that should be included. An empirical study article should include an abstract, an introduction, a discussion of the methodology employed, a statement of the results, a conclusion, and a list of references. This series will address each of those sections and provide suggestions for preparing each section of the study.
The conclusion of a research study begins with a narrative summary of the entire study. The key here is that this is a summary; it is not overly detailed. The conclusion reiterates or paraphrases the research questions and hypotheses, reminds the reader of the methodology used, and restates the findings concentrating in the highlights of the study findings.
The section then presents conclusions. These are interpretations of the findings of the study and their potential significance. This…
When preparing a research study for publication, there are several standard sections that should be included. An empirical study article should include an abstract, an introduction, a discussion of the methodology employed, a statement of the results, a conclusion, and a list of references. This series will address each of those sections and provide suggestions for preparing each section of the study.
The results section of a research study begins with a narrative of the study findings. The narrative should restate the hypotheses and research questions and provide a broad overview of the findings to prepare the reader for the information to follow. Demographic information is often provided here to contextualize the results for the reader. Past tense is used in the results section since the study has already been conducted by this point in the research process. This narrative, like the…
When preparing a research study for publication, there are several standard sections that should be included. An empirical study article should include an abstract, an introduction, a discussion of the methodology employed, a statement of the results, a conclusion, and a list of references. This series will address each of those sections and provide suggestions for preparing each section of the study.
The methodology section of a research study explains to the reader how the study was conducted. It is similar to the methodology section of a research proposal, but in the study write-up, this section explains what actually was done rather than what was intended to be done. Methods employed in the study may be qualitative, quantitative, or a mixture of both. In any case, the reader should be able to clearly determine how the study was conducted and, should he or she be so inclined, be able to…
When preparing a research study for publication, there are several standard sections that should be included. An empirical study article should include an abstract, an introduction, a discussion of the methodology employed, a statement of the results, a conclusion, and a list of references. This series will address each of those sections and provide suggestions for preparing each section of the study.
Unlike the introduction found in an academic paper, the introduction of an empirical study is not merely a fundamental roadmap of the study, though that outline may be included in the opening paragraph of the study. In an empirical study, the introduction goes much deeper and includes a statement of the study's purpose, a discussion of the scope of the study, a rationale for conducting the study, the hypotheses or research questions to be addressed, key concepts and terms, and a review of the…
When preparing a research study for publication, there are several standard sections that should be included. An empirical study article should include an abstract, an introduction, a discussion of the methodology employed, a statement of the results, a conclusion, and a list of references. This series will address each of those sections and provide suggestions for preparing each section of the study.
The abstract of an empirical study offers the reader a concise overview of the entire study. It is the "50,000-foot view" of the study. Abstracts are commonly used by reviewers in the publication process as a means of determining whether the study potentially contains information that aligns with the goals of the publication. Thus, a well-written abstract can create the opportunity for further review of the study and potentially lead to publication of the study. After publication of the study,…
Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk) is a tool that incorporates the human intelligence factor for the completion of significant projects. The system allows human intervention in tasks that cannot be completed by computers yet are time and labor intensive for humans. However, there are drawbacks to this tool.
Of greatest significance is the potentially lost understanding of the topic that comes from completing such tasks as the review of the literature and the analysis of data. While the use of statisticians to manage the numerical computations or to review the computations completed via software systems such as the IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) is common, the primary researcher is still ethically responsible for the accurate analysis of the data. So, using Mechanical Turk…
Amazon’s Mechanical Turk is a tool that incorporates the human intelligence factor for the completion of significant projects.
Amazon's Mechanical Turk is a tool that incorporates the human intelligence factor for the completion of significant projects. The system allows human intervention in tasks that cannot be completed by computers yet are time and labor intensive for humans.
Consider the research process which may seem daunting to novice researchers such as doctoral candidates or other individuals who are seeking to enter the research community. For example, conducting a literature review can be labor intensive.…
Lærd Statistics is a data analysis tool that is used in conjunction with IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). It is a powerful tool for the data analysis section of the dissertation.
Lærd Statistics is a data analysis tool that is used in conjunction with IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). It is a powerful tool for the data analysis section of the dissertation.
Lærd Statistics guides the user through the process of selecting the correct statistical test for the data analysis, explains to the researcher how to conduct the selected statistical analysis using IBM SPSS, and even assists with interpreting and writing up the results. In addition , Lærd…
There are many forms that research can take. Research may use qualitative or quantitative methods or some combination thereof. Selecting the right methodology helps assure the success of the study and the production of meaningful results.
There are many forms that research can take. Research may use qualitative or quantitative methods or some combination thereof. Selecting the right methodology helps assure the success of the study and the production of meaningful results. However, many researchers tend to work backwards choosing the methodology and then attempting to conform the study to the chosen methodology. This should be done in a directly opposite fashion where the primary component of the research study inform and…
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