October 13, 2013
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Lærd Statistics is a data analysis tool that is used in conjunction with IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). It is a powerful tool for the data analysis section of the dissertation.
Lærd Statistics guides the user through the process of selecting the correct statistical test for the data analysis, explains to the researcher how to conduct the selected statistical analysis using IBM SPSS, and even assists with interpreting and writing up the results. In addition , Lærd Statistics assists the researcher in preparing the data files for analysis so that the statistical tests can be correctly applied
Lærd Statistics provides guides for a broad range of statistical tests including one- and two- way ANOVA, linear regression, multiple regression, Pearson's correlation, and Chronbach's alpha. Further, Lærd Statistics has tools to assist the researcher in interpreting the data outputs from SPSS and creating meaningful graphs and charts of the data.
As a tool for the dissertation researcher, Lærd Statistics can be invaluable. It takes much of the "guess work" out of the data analysis phase of the research process. It also provides helpful tools for presenting the findings in a meaningful way.
While not free, the product is a minimal investment when compared to the potential hours of savings. The researcher must make the ultimate determination of this product's value, but it is certainly worth a further look. A free tour is available at
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