July 27, 2022
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In 2020 Lisa co-presented at Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Summit on Research Mentorship. The presentation was focused on how she first learned about doing research, as somewhat of an apprehensive and unsure follower, and she shares her journey as she grew confidence, and gained the tools and resources through the support of CIRT. Today, she admits she is less reluctant to do research, and enjoys serving as both mentor - and - mentee. She has gone so far as creating a 6-Module Research Ready on the topic. The Research Ready may be completed independently at your own pace for professional development.
*Many faculty include this as part of goals and list of accomplishments on their annual review and as part of their portfolio application.
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1 Comment
Thank you for sharing this Helen! Mentorship is something we can all benefit from and it is a pleasure to write and present about it to get the word out!