November 19, 2023
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Hello All!
I wanted to share a method that I have been using to easily track in-person attendance using a relatively automated and adaptive approach. I developed and started using this system as an Instructional Assistant (IA) for large introduction classes. As it can be difficult to easily keep track of large classes accurately, I found that using a digital system for tracking their presence in class to be more ideal, easier to manage, and harder for students to exploit than most traditional methods.
A few years ago, I transitioned to a position as an adjunct instructor for a 300 level class with over 75 students per class. I have continued to use this system as it is easy enough to manage on my own without it taking more than a few minutes to collect everyone's attendance.
The system essentially involves displaying a QR code on the screen in the classroom and then having the students scan it with their smartphones. They then select their name and it goes straight into an excel sheet which shows who was present and who was not present.
Below is a link to a Loom video I created on how it works and how you can set it up for your class, the video is a little choppy and I will likely update it to be shorter, but it should get you started if you are interested in this method.
I would love to hear about your participation tracking techniques! My students seem to like having something streamlined enough that they don't have to worry about inaccurate scoring. This method is helpful to me as it reduces the amount of questions about how participation works in my class, but I would love to hear your solutions to tracking, especially if you don't have an IA available to help out in this process.
Lopes Up!
Eric Querio
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3 Replies
Could you remind me how to post a CAT? I have been posting in the DQ and it showed up as
CATS Question: Please give me a short response Instructor Added
But it doesn't seem to show up this way in my next course.
I've contacted Faculty Support and searched all over for a tutorial on posting cats - not developing cats.
How to post accurately?????
Joe Aguillard,
My apologies, I initially replied with how to create a CAT post but I now see that your question was more about how to logistically post a CAT and not what goes into creating or writing a CAT. I was unable to follow the link included in your reply as well so I am not sure what example you were providing.
As far as I know there is not a way to add a CAT post with a separate heading from whatever is in the Forum in the LMS. LoudCloud used to allow for a change in the heading of a post or reply in the DQ forum, but that is no longer a function (that I know of) in the Halo system.
In order to post a CAT, it is best to simply reply to whatever DQ is due that week and add a reply with a bold heading labeled: "Week 3 - Topic 3 CAT" I would then add your CAT question below it and pin your reply so that it shows at the top of the list when students scroll through.
You could add discussion questions to the forums but that would likely complicate the calendar and would be too much adjusting so I found just adding a reply to the DQ forum was the best approach. If things have changed in the Halo system and you are able to change headings now, then disregard my reply here, I teach on-ground much more than online.
Eric Querio
Thanks for sharing. I add a CAT for each course by going to the DB and the top right corner. There is a BLUE button that says ADD A DISCUSSION, and I add my interactive CAT that way. My CAT usually focuses on an overall extension of the course topic. I hope this helps.
However, some people include the CAT in an ongoing thread if faculty feels there's a great extension of that specific topic.