October 20, 2023
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Hi all, lately I have taken to checking sources listed by the student even with low LW scores. it is depressingly apparent that LW does NOT pick up the majority of copy/pasted content. For example, this week two students turned in papers with less than 10 percent LW scores but going into their original sources and comparing (using search for keywords the students used), the majority is copied info not picked up from LW, even from the primary class text.
I have reported this to GCUs faculty tech line and they do not know what to make of it. Does anyone else check sources and do searches when you see writing that is clearly not up to the individual students level?? I had one student say that he was mad that LW did not pick up his plagiarism but I did...I am really over having to check student papers myself when there is a tool that does not seem to work as well as me copying a phrase into a Google search with qutes and instantly finding the plagiarized material that LW doesn't.
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5 Replies
YES!!! Normally I have about 4-5 incidents of plagiarism in each class. But, lately- ever since GCU did the revisions, I haven't had one incident of plagiarism. I thought it was a little strange, especially since some of the papers sounded like they were straight from a website. So, I checked them against another plagiarism detector and they came back with upwards of 95 percent plagiarism. Now I have been routinely copying any suspicious sentence into the google search bar. But, it takes a lot of my time and is a little frustrating that the LW is not detecting any of this!
Audra Stinson Exactly. I do not want to continue copy/pasting sentences into Google or into the source material and LW is def NOT picking up like 90 or more percent of plagiarism now. I would appreciate very much an official response. I simply cannot keep being the plagiarism checker.
Amelia-thanks for letting us know! I wasn't aware this was happening. I will scrutinize it more closely.
Deb Martinez At this point it's very hard to determine plagiarism as well as AI generated posts. Pretty convinced that most students are using AI posting at this point.
Any updates on this?
I am copying and pasting into Google too and it is very tedious.