Publication and Presentation

Publication and Presentation

In this module, learn the steps necessary to prepare a manuscript and publish research results, as well as tips on putting together a good poster presentation.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify appropriate journals for your journals to which you should submit a manuscript
  • Review the parts of a manuscript and tips on how to creative a high quality first draft
  • List the steps and key points related to submission of the manuscript
  • Identify the key principles for turning research into an effective poster presentation


There is tremendous pressure in the academic community to present and publish your research to contribute to your discipline and advance your career. There are numerous resources on this page that discuss how to create an effective poster presentation of your work for conferences and so forth. The goal of most researchers, however, is to publish their research in professional and/or academic journals. If you are new to the processes of publishing your research, the following guidelines and the resources on this page will help you get started.

Where to Publish

  • Do your homework. Examine your literature search, the library, and other databases to find out which journals have published your specific topic in the past.
  • Make a list of the journals in your field that may potentially publish your research. Decide if your research fits the aim and scope of each journal listed.
  • Are the journals you have listed high in quality, and do they have good reputations?
  • What is the acceptance/rejection rates for the journals?
  • Rank the potential journals in order of priority and approach them one at a time.
  • It is often advisable to research and consider possible journals before writing the article. Journals have different guideline and formatting requirements, and it may save time to write the article according to those guidelines from the beginning.


Preparing the Manuscript

  • Use the resources in the GCU module "Parts of a Research Paper" to assist you in writing the article.
  • Be sure to follow all the guidelines of the journal to which you are submitting including the style preference for references, formatting, word limits, and so forth.
  • Be sure to have obtained permission for use of any copyrighted material.
  • Proofread carefully and submit a high quality first draft.


Submitting to the Publishers

  • Use the journal's website to find the information regarding their submission process and follow the instructions carefully.
  • The article will undergo a peer review process which can be time-consuming so be patient. Some journals even have a two-stage process where an editor reviews the manuscript first to decide whether or not it is worthy of peer review.
  • Following the review, you will receive a letter or email from the journal with their decision.
  • If it is rejected, you should request the reviewer's reports or comments because they will provide valuable feedback that will allow you to improve the article before submitting it elsewhere.
  • Rejection is very common, especially for those new to the process. Use the feedback to revise the article and submit it to the next journal on your list.


The following videos will shed additional light on the publication process. The first video provides perspective regarding the role of publishers and insight into the process. While it mentions Nursing, this is applicable to most fields. 

Introduction to Scholarly Publishing #01 - The Publishers


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