Extra Designing Surveys Links

Extra Designing Surveys Links

Introduction to Designing Surveys

PSR – Introduction to the Survey Process - The following link provides an overview of the survey process. (Dead Link)

Survey Fundamentals – This resource offers an overview of the survey process including writing questions, response rates, sampling, and so forth.

Research Methods – The link below briefly describes ways in which data is commonly collected, including several types of surveys.

Introduction to Survey Research – The following set of slides provides information about the purpose and use of surveys in research, as well as an introduction as to how conduct survey research.


Writing Survey Questions

Questionnaire Design Tip Sheet – The link before offers an overview of styles of survey questions and tips for writing good survey questions.

Survey Fundamentals – This resource offers an overview of the survey process including writing questions, response rates, sampling, and so forth.

Constructing the Survey – This link contains a series of resources that describe how to construct a survey including question types, content of questions, wording, and response format.

Survey Questions 101: Do you make any of these 7 questions writing mistakes? – This page contains specific examples of common mistakes when writing survey questions.


Sampling- Who to Survey

Methods of Survey Sampling – The following link describes the basic types of sampling and survey audiences.

Selecting the Survey Method – The link below discusses considerations related to choosing sample population.

Survey Sample Size – The resource below contains a chart that helps determine the necessary sample size for your target population when conducting survey research.

Populations, Samples, Surveys, and Statistical Inference  This resource describes the importance of obtaining a representative sample and discusses potential sampling problems.


Modes of Survey Delivery

How to Conduct a Survey – This link provides a brief explanation of various ways to administer a survey and the pros and cons of the methods.

Survey Methods – Pros and Cons – The following link provides a list of the pros and cons for different means of administering surveys.

Survey Fundamentals  This resource offers an overview of the survey process including writing questions, response rates, sampling, and so forth.

Research Methods – The link below briefly describes ways in which data is commonly collected, including several types of surveys.

Introduction to Survey Research – The following set of slides provides information about the purpose and use of surveys in research, as well as an introduction as to how conduct survey research.


Survey Response Rates

Increasing Survey Response Rates – This resource offers a brief explanation of suggestions for increasing survey response rates.

Typical Response Rates for Common Survey Types – The following resource discusses the common response rates for different types of surveys.

Tips on How to Increase Your Survey Response Rate – The following link discusses how to increase survey response rates.

Typical Response Rates – This link offers guidelines for common responses rates, as well as ways to improve that rate.


Ethics & Survey Research

Code of Standards and Ethics for Survey Research – This PDF is a comprehensive guide to ethical issues surrounding survey research. (Dead Link)

Ethical Considerations in Surveys – The resource linked here describes ethical concerns related to surveys in detail, with an emphasis on cultural and social issues.

Principles of Research Ethics  The following link describes basic ethical considerations for any research project involving human subjects.

What is an IRB and its Purpose? - What does IRB stand for? What is the purpose of an IRB and how does a researcher know when they need to use it?

What is Ethics in Research & Why is it Important - Ethical concerns must also be considered when designing a research project. The following website discusses common codes and policies regarding ethics in research.

Ethical Issues in Conducting Research – The following link is PDF that offers a comprehensive discussion of ethical issues in conducting research.

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