Eligibility, Application, Decision FAQ's

SoTL Funds FAQ's

Eligibility, Application and Decision Questions

Who is eligible for SoTL Funds?


Where are the Scholarly Engagement Funds?

The SoTL Funds are the new name for the Scholarly Engagement Funds. Previously, some non-SoTL presentations were accepted; however, due to the increase in interest in SoTL presentations, the funding became more competitive and is strictly available to SoTL presentations. More information about what a SoTL presentation is

Do you offer SoTL  Funds for adjuncts?

CIRT offers grants to full time faculty and CDS adjuncts. CDS Learners and CDS alumni are also eligible, but priority is given to faculty.

I missed the application deadline, but have been invited to present at a conference. May I still be considered?

Please apply. If funds remain, you may still be considered for the funds.

Is there a limit to how much funding can I receive?

You may apply for as many conferences as you like within the following guidelines:

The maximum award amount per conference is $1500.

The maximum award per applicant is $3000 per year (July-June).

When will I be notified of my application status? 

Due to the competitive nature of the funds, applications are reviewed  according to the schedule below.


Early Bird/Standard Registration Deadline*

Grant Application Deadline 

Grant Notification By

January 1-March 31

December 1

December 15

April 1-June 30

March 1

March 15

July 1-September 30

June 1

June 15

October 1-December 31

September 1

September 15

*If early bird registration is available use that as a basis to your application timeframe. If not use the standard registration deadline. 

**revised 04/19/23


What are the standards used to determine funding award winners?


What is the Faculty Research Advisory Board?

This committee is comprised of faculty members across the university. It is responsible for determining Conference Funding 

Are international conferences eligible for funding?

As of March 2023, yes

My conference registration date is before the funding notification date. What should I do?

While we do what we can to get decisions out prior to a conference registration deadline, we still follow the review schedule. This means we cannot guarantee that a decision will be made prior to the registration deadline. If you will be attending the conference regardless of receiving the funds or not, you may book the registration. Should you receive the funds, you are eligible for reimbursement up to the amount listed in your approval email, less travel costs. Otherwise, if you would not attend the conference without  funding, please do not register for the conference relying on funding.

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