Research Ready: Hermeneutics

- To complete the Research Ready: Hermeneutics you must complete each of the instructional modules below. Completion of the Research Ready: Hermeneutics program is done independently; you may work on the modules at your own pace and convenience.

To complete each of the instructional modules, click on the module topic, review the content, and explore the Resource Links. Once you feel comfortable with the topic, complete the mastery quiz. A certificate of completion will be available upon completion of each quiz and should be saved or printed to demonstrate your proficiency.

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Module 1 | What is Hermeneutics and Why Do We Need It:

Module 2 | The Elements Involved in Interpretation:

Module 3 | The Process of Interpretation:

Module 4 | Old Testament Narratives:

Module 5 | The Law and the Prophetic Literature:

Module 6 | Old Testament Wisdom Literature and the Psalms:

Module 7 | New Testament Narratives - Gospels and Acts:

Module 8 | New Testament Epistles:

Module 9 | Revelation:

Module 10 | The Process of Application:


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