Publication Process
Publication Process
As discussed by the 5th Edition of the APA Publication Manual, "The physical appearance of a manuscript can enhance the manuscript's effect or detract from it" (American Psychological Association, 2001, pg. 283). This week we are going to focus on surface structure, appearance issues that help guide the preparation of your final manuscript.
Key points to remember during manuscript preparation:
- Manuscript should be printed on one side only of 8.5x11 white paper
- Use 12-point Times New Roman font
- Double-space entire manuscript
- Use uniform 1-inch margins on all sides
- Do not justify the lines
- Arrange manuscript pages in the following order:
- Title page (page 1)
- Abstract (page 2)
- Body of text (page 3)
- References (start on separate page at the end of the body of text)
- Tables (start each on separate page)
- Figures (start each on separate page; include caption on page with figure)
- Appendices (start each on separate page)
- Number all pages except for figures; number should be in the upper header, 1 inch from the right margin
- Include abbreviated running head in the header
- Indent the first line of each paragraph ½ inch; do not add an extra line break between paragraphs (do not indent the abstract)
- Use one space after end-of-sentence punctuation
- Quotes less than 40 words should be included in-text within quotation marks; longer quotes should be in a double-spaced block with no quotation marks
- Abstract is on a separate page with word "Abstract" centered at top; do not indent the abstract paragraph; abstract should be between 150 and 250 words
- Start body of paper on new page; repeat title of paper at the top of the body of the paper
- Start references on new page with word "References" centered at top
Carefully review the sample manuscript (starting on page 41 of the APA Publication Manual) to see an example of a prepared manuscript.
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