Research Ready: Designing Surveys

-To complete the Research Ready: Designing Surveys, you must complete each of the instructional modules. Completion of the Research Ready: Designing Surveys program is done independently; you may work on the modules at your own pace and convenience.


-To complete each of the instructional modules, click on the module topic, review the content, and explore the Resource Links. Once you feel comfortable with the topic, complete the mastery quiz. A certificate of completion will be available upon completion of each quiz and should be saved or printed to demonstrate your proficiency.


---------- Grouped Links ---------

numOfValidGroupedLinks: 7

Module 1 | Introduction to Designing Surveys:

Module 2 | Writing Survey Questions:

Module 3 | Sampling- Who to Survey:

Module 4 | Modes of Survey Delivery:

Module 5 | Survey Response Rates:

Module 6 | Ethics & Designing Surveys:

Extra Designing Surveys Links:


-------------- Links -------------

numOfValidLinks: 0


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Viewed 7,365 times