Extra Correlational Research Links

Extra Correlational Research Links

Comparative Research Overview

Using Comparative Methods to Study Diversity  Offers an overview of comparative methods and discusses the process used in comparative research.

Comparative Study – Provides an overview of comparative research and discussion of two common comparative methodologies.

Introduction to the Comparative Method – Gives a basic overview of the comparative method and its uses.

Potentials and Limitations of the Comparative Method – Discusses the comparative method and its uses, as well as the advantages and disadvantages.


Cross-National Comparative Research

Comparative Research Methods  Provides an overview of the uses of cross-national comparative research and discusses its potential advantages and limitations.

Rules of Comparative Research – Discusses the basic approach to conducting cross-national comparative research.

Cross-National Research as an Analytic Strategy  Discusses the uses of cross-national research to determine similarities and differences between nations and cultures.

Comparative Cross-National Methodology – Discusses different approaches to conducting cross-national research methods.


Historical Comparative Research

Historical-Comparative Methodologies – Summarizes historical-comparative methodology, provides examples and steps, and discusses ethical concerns.

Comparative Historical Methods: An Introduction – Provides a comprehensive discussion and analysis of historical-comparative research.

Historical-Comparative Research – Contains a detailed and comprehensive guide to conducting historical-comparative research.

Using Comparative Methods to Study Diversity – Offers an overview of comparative methods and discusses the process used in comparative research.


Causal Comparative

Potentials and Limitations of the Comparative Method – Discusses the comparative method and its uses, as well as the advantages and disadvantages.                                     

Understanding and Enjoying Research – Provides a brief overview of causal-comparative research and compares it to other types of research methodology.

Causal-comparative Research – Offers an in-depth review of causal-comparative research methodology including examples.

Causal-comparative Research Design – Includes a slide presentation overviewing causal-comparative research.


Tips for Conducting Comparative Research

Using Comparative Methods to Study Diversity – Offers an overview of comparative methods and discusses the process used in comparative research.

Introduction to the Comparative Method – Gives a basic overview of the comparative method and its uses.

What are the principles of conducting a comparative research blog? – Contains practical tips and advice for conducting comparative research.

Methodology in Comparative Studies – Provides a comprehensive, in-depth discussion regarding how to conduct different types of comparative research.


Benefits & Limitations of Comparative Research

Potentials and Limitations of the Comparative Method – Discusses the comparative method and its uses, as well as the advantages and disadvantages.

Comparative Research Methods – Provides an overview of the uses of cross-national comparative research and discusses its potential advantages and limitations.

Rules of Comparative Research – Discusses the basic approach to conducting cross-national comparative research.

Causal-comparative Research – Offers an in-depth review of causal-comparative research methodology including examples.

Introduction to the Comparative Method – Gives a basic overview of the comparative method and its uses.


Ethics & Comparative Research

Ethical Consideration in European Cross-National Comparative Research – Describes ethical considerations related directly to conducting comparative research.

How do ethics assessments frame results of comparative qualitative research? Focuses on the influences of ethical considerations in comparative studies involving researchers from different disciplines and different countries. (Dead Link)

What is Ethics in Research and Why is It Important?  ­Describes basic ethical principles and why they are important to the integrity of the research results.

What is an IRB and its Purpose? - What does IRB stand for? What is the purpose of an IRB and how does a researcher know when they need to use it?

Ethics in Research – The Web Center for Social Research Methods - Some of the key terminology associated with research ethics are described on this site, as well as a brief history of ethical considerations in research.

Ethical Issues in Conducting Research – The following link is PDF that offers a comprehensive discussion of ethical issues in conducting research.

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Correlational Research: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/correlation

Correlational Research Overview: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/correlation/1

Correlational Relationships: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/correlation/2

Types of Correlational Studies and Data Analysis: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/correlation/3

Issues to Consider: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/correlation/4

Ethics & Correlational Research: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/correlation/5

Extra Correlational Research Links: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/correlation/6


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