If anyone of you would like more information on how to start a CLC group using Microsoft Office Skydrive and Skype, my personal e-mail is joepopma@cox.net
This video was very informative. I think that video conferencing is a great tool, but it is also a personal preference. For me, I would rather not have my students see what I look like. I think that animations and illustrations can have a different effect with the same results in the online classroom. For instance, online Faculty just had a meeting with Dr. Jean Mandernach about integrating web-enhanced tools into the online classroom, and I especially like Vokis (voki.com) and ToonDoo (toondoo.com). With Vokis (voki.com), the instructor can either record a voice-over or choose an automatic voice with written text. As for ToonDoo (toondoo.com), this is a comic strip creator. Both are fun and can engage students to interact with something other than strictly text. However, I do see you angle about personal connection and giving the online classroom a more traditional feel. This was nicely done!
If anyone of you would like more information on how to start a CLC group using Microsoft Office Skydrive and Skype, my personal e-mail is joepopma@cox.net
Joe Popma
This video was very informative. I think that video conferencing is a great tool, but it is also a personal preference. For me, I would rather not have my students see what I look like. I think that animations and illustrations can have a different effect with the same results in the online classroom. For instance, online Faculty just had a meeting with Dr. Jean Mandernach about integrating web-enhanced tools into the online classroom, and I especially like Vokis (voki.com) and ToonDoo (toondoo.com). With Vokis (voki.com), the instructor can either record a voice-over or choose an automatic voice with written text. As for ToonDoo (toondoo.com), this is a comic strip creator. Both are fun and can engage students to interact with something other than strictly text. However, I do see you angle about personal connection and giving the online classroom a more traditional feel. This was nicely done!