August 12, 2013
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Research is broadly divided into two categories: qualitative and quantitative. Within each of those categories are multiple designs and methods. Among the qualitative methodologies is grounded theory.
Grounded theory is an inductive, qualitative research method that studies a particular situation or phenomenon. It may be applied to quantitative research data, but it is generally considered a qualitative method. While similar to the case study method that focuses on a single situation or phenomenon, grounded theory has a different focus. The focus of the case study method is to determine why or how things are interconnected. The goal of grounded theory is to understand the situation or phenomenon well enough to propose a generalizable model or theory for the observed factors, interactions, or processes. The primary sources of data are intensive interviews with and observations of the participants. However, data may also be gathered through other forms including quantitative methods.
Grounded theory appeals to both PhD and EdD/DBA researchers because the outputs are meaningful to multiple disciplines. Grounded theory will lead PhD researchers to the creation of theories just as well as it will lead to the creation of visual models for researchers in education and business. The greatest challenge in grounded theory is that the coding and sorting of data is an iterative process that will commonly lead to additional coding and resorting of data and often the collection of additional data that must, in turn, be coded and sorted; the researcher must determine when it is feasible to cease the iterative process and state a generalizable theory.
Grounded theory is but one form of research design that is suitable and meaningful for dissertation research. Additional designs will be reviewed later in this series. In all cases, doctoral learners are advised to have relevant conversations with their dissertation committee and particularly with their methodologist and chair to determine the best design to address the research questions of the proposed dissertation study.
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This is an excellent post and provides a lense that makes research addictive - especially for those who are intoxicated with trying the understand the phenomena that surrounds us. As a qualitative researcher I have found that NVIVO 10 is ideally suited to tackle these phenomenon head on!