Adjunct Blog
Archives for December 2014 « Recent Articles
It's a new year, and with a new year often come "resolutions," or goals we would like to accomplish for the coming year. This concept of goal-setting or creating new habits can apply to teaching as well.
Research shows that while adjunct teachers are concerned about issues such as pay, benefits, and job security, most teach with determination and enthusiasm because they enjoy the profession, the students, and/or the subject they teach ("American academic," 2010; Caruth & Caruth, 2013).
Adjunct faculty can be very busy individuals. They often teach on the side in addition to holding a full-time job ("American academic," 2010), or they teach multiple classes and sometimes for multiple schools (Caruth & Caruth, 2013).
Many adjuncts find themselves on a daily and weekly basis trying to juggle family (spouses, kids, parents, etc…), work, teaching, scholarship and/or degree work, side-jobs (whether or not related to academia), and hobbies, downtime, and/or volunteer work.
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