December 30, 2014
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It's a new year, and with a new year often come "resolutions," or goals we would like to accomplish for the coming year. This concept of goal-setting or creating new habits can apply to teaching as well.
Research shows that while adjunct teachers are concerned about issues such as pay, benefits, and job security, most teach with determination and enthusiasm because they enjoy the profession, the students, and/or the subject they teach ("American academic," 2010; Caruth & Caruth, 2013).
On the other hand, because of the lack of training and development, adjuncts often rely on traditional pedagogical methods of teaching and rarely incorporate new teaching methods (Caruth & Caruth, 2013).
Teaching for the love and passion of it is important, of course, but so is continually growing in our teaching methods and practices. For the New Year, consider how you can grow as an adjunct instructor. Here are some ideas:
"A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." ~Henry Adams
Happy New Year!
American academic: A national survey of part-time/adjunct faculty. (2010). American Federation of Teachers, 2, 1-18.
Caruth, G. D. & Caruth, D. L. (2013). Adjunct faculty: Who are these unsung heroes of American academe? Current Issues in Education, 16(3), 1-10.
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