August 26, 2024
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From Dean Critchfield: Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year! |
Dear College of Education Faculty, August is a special time of year for us as educators, full of energy and anticipation for a new school year and the joys and tribulations it brings. As a faculty member of GCU’s College of Education, you are one of the most important parts of our University. With this in mind, you may have seen this invitation come across your plate already, but I wanted to personally invite you to our first ever COE Fall Adjunct Conference! Full-time and part-time faculty, including faculty site supervisors, are welcome. Join us in person on campus or online on Tuesday, August 27, 10AM-2PM Arizona time.
RSVP: Beyond the conference, should you have any questions about your content area, we have COE Content Leads for our major content areas to support you! Please review the COE contact page and send them an email with any course/program questions you may have! Let’s make it a great year! Sincerely, |
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