Evaluation Criteria

Research Funds Evaluation Criteria 

Are you applying for a Research Funds?

GCU Research Grants are awarded on a competitive basis from a limited funding pool. As such, you are encouraged to prepare your application to effectively showcase the value, significance and impact of your scholarly work. Review the following guidelines prior to submitting your grant application.

Evaluation Criteria

The following criteria will be used to evaluate SoTL proposals:

  • Quality of the proposal (i.e., significance, relevance of methodology, importance of findings, value to larger academic community, etc). Proposals should be framed in a manner easily understood by someone outside your discipline. Proposals must meet high professional standards in presentation, including spelling, grammar, and proper budgeting.
  • Potential for peer-review publication, presentation, exhibition, etc.
  • Budgetary appropriateness.
  • Potential for disseminating research to broader academic community.
  • Value for professional development of faculty member.

Review questions include, but are not limited to:

  1. Does the proposal communicate the importance of the work?
  2. Is the importance of the project within SoTL and its field made clear?
  3. Will successful completion of the project have an impact upon the field?
  4. Is the project significant to the development of a program of scholarly activity by the lead investigator?
  5. Are the objectives clearly defined, and is the basic question to be answered clearly identified?
  6. Are all necessary facilities available?
  7. Does the lead investigator have the necessary background and expertise?
  8. Are project activities well planned, and do they realistically fall within an appropriate timetable?
  9. Have all items requested been justified?
  10. Is the amount requested reasonable and consistent with the total funding available to this grant program?
  11. If equipment is requested, has the possibility that it is already available elsewhere on campus been addressed?
  12. If support for students is requested, is it clear that their activities are essential to the research program?

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