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KWLs, Learning Theories, and Formative Assessments- Kristen DiCarlo

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The presentation is based on current research about KWLs, learning theories, and formative assessments in regards to students' knowledge base about course objectives in the online classroom. KWLs are provided by the instructor in the online classroom discussion so the instructor can assess students' knowledge of the current objectives before the weekly assignments are due. In addition, KWLs can be used for students to assess each other's knowledge. K indicates what the students already know, W represents what the students want to know, and L indicates what the students learned. Bloom's Taxonomy, Gagne's Theory, and Cognitive Load Theory will be the learning theories discussed. Contextualized examples of how to use KWLs in the online classroom are provided. Formative assessments involve instructor feedback in both the online discussion forum and in students' successful completion of the individual weekly assignments. Limitations of the technique are presented. There are several possible ways to use the proposed ideas that are discussed. 

Presenter Information:

Kristen DiCarlo Picture.jpg

Hello. My name is Kristen DiCarlo. My professional experiences include child care, retail management, and academic counseling. I have been employed at GCU since September of 2006. I have obtained a Master of Education in 2007 and a Master of Business Administration in 2010 at GCU. I am currently an online full-time faculty member at GCU, and I began in this role in March of 2011. I am also a current Doctoral student pursuing my Doctor of Philosophy in General Psychology at GCU and am expected to graduate in December of 2014.


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