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Building Collaboration and Relationships Through Discussion Forums - Laura Sharp

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Online learning is on the rise in higher education institutions since it meets the needs of convenience and flexibility for traditional and non-traditional students alike.  At GCU, these online courses include asynchronous discussion forums that lead to discussions evolving over days, unsubstantial posts, repeated information if the class size is large, and students missing the discussion thread if they met discussion requirements earlier in the week.  This leaves the instructor searching for ways to engage students using the discussion forums to create collaborative relationships and opportunities to share resources.  Thus the addition of a special post "Cool Things To Share…" to encourage critical thinking from students already involved, but also but the less involved students as well.  Not only did this new post create collaborative relationships, allowed for resource sharing, and critical thinking opportunities, but it also built true camaraderie among my students.

Presenter Information

Laura Sharp


Laura Sharp has been an educator since 2001 working with alternative, gifted and talented, and special education (mild, moderate, severe, profound, and emotional) students.  She has a B.A. in German from Texas Lutheran College and a M.Ed. in Cross-Categorical Special Education from Grand Canyon University.

God originally led the way to teaching through Laura's passion and talents to engage her students while teaching pre-service teachers to support individuals with disabilities through assessment, creating different learning environments, using innovative instructional materials, accommodations, modifications, assistive technology, and partnerships to achieve goals.  
Laura has three fur babies who keep "Mom" company while she grades.

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