June 14, 2013
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Seriously, my wife is taking statistics. No, I don't do it for her, we respect each other too much to even entertain such a thought. But, I do help her work through concepts that are a bit sticky. My wife is a very bright woman, numbers just are not her thing (art history on the other hand is her thing, don't ever get her started on the neo-impressionists).
So, helping her should be easy right?! Not so fast! The instructor took his course work from someone different than I did, and used a different text book and a different stats program (SAS I think). So, I need to read the book first, or go through the notes, so that I can be sure what he is talking about, then I can go through the ideas with her. The point is that there is not a universal language for statistics. One textbook can use slightly different names than another for exactly the same thing. Some texts are very technical (have you looked up a stat concept in wikipedia?) and others fairly tame.
My general advice is to get a good early to mid-level book and become very familiar with it before going out to other sources. When you are ready for more advanced information try finding another text written by the same author(s). You might also try looking for an explanatory video on YouTube or Kahn academy. Also, give yourself some time. Read a chapter, then make some tea, do some dishes, pet the cat and then go back and scan the chapter again before reading the next one. Before you know it, you will be helping your own spouse out with their stats.
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